Mollie has taken the oppertunity of a day at home to spend some time out in the garden with her chickens. We have had them since November and they have settled into their new purple home very well. I just wish we could get their neighbours, the moles, to behave as well.
All of them have adapted very well to the water container that came with their house. Despite having never seen one before they all managed to work out that pecking the silver bits at the bottom releases water for them.
Now they are laying well Mollie has started giving them a bit of mixed corn in the afternoons in addition to their layers pellets in the morning. It seems that Daisy is first in line for her treats, but Ginny, Bella and Henrietta are not far behind,
Mollie picked up this basket last week at Hampton Court. They informed us they were orginally used for selling grapes in but it is working very well for egg collecting now.
I love the "traditional" basket for egg collecting - exactly what I would try to find if I have chickens (when, WHEN I have chickens - must think positive..)
ReplyDeleteI love the purple home!