Today has been a strange day - power cuts, snow drifts and a bus crash. Knowing such tragedy had occured so close to home, to people so young sobered us all a bit and the adverse weather and lack of power meant we had to cancel our activities, stay home and concentrate more on the basics like warmth, light and food.
Mollie decided to make the most of the snow and build some snowmen with Grandma. It was interesting watching her trying to figure out the best way to move the snowball, working out the correct pressure to move it but not break it, to consider what was hindering its process and remove it. The same problem solving skills will be of use in many situations.
The bus crash gave a very different set of learning oppertunities, from disscusions of how the TV pictures got from outside our house to on the TV so quickly, the difference between driving a bus and a car in the snow, why the former is harder than the later and how helicopters can take off in a blizzard.
The lack of electricty was ... interesting. It was a taste of what we have to come in our summer Georgian week, and made us realise just how much we depend on it, and how much we will have to think about changing our life to cope without it for a week.
So doing nothing actually turned into quite a lot.